27 April, 2009

Mike Flowers Pops - Wonderwall

I like this version better than the original, it's so, hip man.

25 April, 2009

We are People People

I don't normally play new stuff, but then, Werewolves are awfully fond of our teeth, and this video has lots of 'em.

Here's The People People with "We are People People".

Wolfie's Theme

Jamie Saxe did a great job on the theme music used in the "Alter Ego" doco, but if there was ever a song to sum me up 100%, it has to be this one... Regurgitators' "Song formerly known as..."

20 April, 2009

Witness This

Rupert Hines' "Misplaced Love" was one of my very favourite songs years ago, and due to a discussion with a friend, Thanks Ian, I've decided to post what's been discovered on youtube.

The first isn't the proper video, just the song and images done by Banksy, the street artist... If you're a fan of his art, I know there are a few spots in Melbournes Laneways where he's put a few stencils up.

Golden age:

Misplaced Love:

18 April, 2009

I don't remember - Peter Gabriel

Just after we got our first Hi-Fi VCR, which in those days was a pretty cool thing to have, I went to the shop and bought Peter Gabriels "CV" Tape. Well the song was running through my head this morning, but I couldn't remember it's name... So I looked through the list of Peter Gabriels' songs on Wikipedia and found it, Sadly the youtube version doesn't have the quality of sound that the tape did, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

16 April, 2009

David Naughton - Makin' It

Hrmmm... Isn't that the guy from that movie, the um... you know.

I had no idea he sang, I just found out... so I sought out this oddity and have presented it to you here.

If you're wondering why there's no video, well they just didn't make videos for every song that was released back then, so, there's just a still picture.

Cheesy, but it's catchy too, I'll probably end up singing it in the shower later.. There won't be videos of that either.;)


David Naughton - Makin' it

15 April, 2009

His and Hers

Kylie Minogue in a beautiful video dedicated to the 60's Sci-Fi movie, Barbarella. This is, Put yourself in my place.

13 April, 2009

Rain Madonna

Far too dry here in Oz, or at least down south here in Melbourne.
I love this video, It's Madonna, with Rain.

Atomic Dog

George Clintons' Atomic Dog. I often wondered if the song was based on a real arcade game. But I've done a little research and couldn't find anything. Great song though :)

11 April, 2009

Minimal Montgomery

The Petshop Boys tweeted this, they apparently like it, and so do I. a mashup between one of their songs "Minimal" with a TV ad.


05 April, 2009

Skipping Girl Vinegar

Another new song, This time by Skipping Girl Vinegar, A Melbourne band who's name is based on the famous factory with the animated Skipping Girl neon sign on it's roof. You might be interested to know that the sign is being fully restored right now, and will grace Melbourne evenings in a few months time.


04 April, 2009

Love etc.

We don't normally feature new music, because, as you know, Rockit is very retro in nature. But we do keep up with bands who started in the 80s and are still going strong. Like The Petshop Boys who have a brand new album out called "Yes". And here's a song from it which is called "Love etc".

* So new, it doesn't even have a proper video yet.

