17 October, 2008

Colgate blue minty gel

Toothpast is a product that really annoys me and I can hear people asking "Why does toothpaste annoy you Wolfie?" Well it does because just about everytime an advert comes on for toothpaste and claims that there's a brand new flavour... I think, "Ohhhh maybe it's Pineapple, or Orange or Vegemite or something" but then they say it... It's a variety of *mint* again? Now how is that any flaming different than before? Cool Mint, Freshmint, Spearmint... it's all bloody mint, isn't it?

Colgate did this lovely parody on "Baggy Trousers" by Madness for this ad... Guess what flavour this incarnation of toothpaste is?

Pavlova? No
Gravy? No
Beer No
Celery Nooooooooo

Give up?

It's Bloody MINT!

Baggy Trousers

Our House

It must be Love

When this one went to air, there was concern by those who tend to be concerned about things that don't matter much at all, that kids might try and copy the antics in this video and try and play instruments underwater, the worry being that if you leapt into the water with an electric guitar, things could get quite nasty.


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